Crowd fills Madison County board meeting to discuss proposed asphalt plant

MARSHALL - Dozens of opponents of a proposed asphalt plant urged the Madison County Board of Commissioners to consider a moratorium on industrial zoning permits at the board's Tuesday meeting.

About 300 people on both sides of the issue crowded the meeting at the A-B Tech Madison campus. The main auditorium quickly filled to capacity; others were asked to watch a video simulcast shown in an adjacent room.

Donnie Reed, owner and operator of French Broad Paving adresses the Madison County Board of Commissioners Feb. 12. Reed's company intends to build an asphalt plant in Madison County and the proposal sparked a long discussion amongst the public.

Donnie Reed, owner and operator of French Broad Paving adresses the Madison County Board of Commissioners Feb. 12. Reed's company intends to build an asphalt plant in Madison County and the proposal sparked a long discussion amongst the public.

The asphalt plant, which would occupy a leased space at McCrary Stone Service quarry, is a project by French Broad Paving, a Madison County-based paving company owned and operated by Donnie and T.J. Reed. The Reeds submitted applications for zoning permits earlier this month so they could move forward with the process of building the facility.

"I started this company in 1997, with my son and a small loan," Donnie Reed said at the meeting. "Now, I am trying to grow that business further by constructing an asphalt plant here in Madison County."

French Broad Paving employees and family members showed support by wearing bright yellow shirts and hoodies brandishing the company's logo, while those opposing the plant held signs citing potential risks to residents' health and tax income from tourism and wore buttons with "No Asphalt Plant" written on them.

Asphalt plant wasn't on the agenda

Donnie Hall, Madison County's attorney, cautioned before the public comment section of the meeting that the Board of Commissioners had no plans to talk about the proposed plant as commissioners had no influence on the zoning process as a result of county ordinances adopted 10 years prior.

"This is not the proper forum for that process," Hall said. "Because these are not the folks making that decision."

Hall stressed that the zoning proposal already made it to the county's zoning board and any opponents of the proposal would need to attend the quasi-judicial hearing, which the Madison County Board of Adjustments holds if they wanted to provide evidence in an attempt to negate or support it.

"This forum was created so that people in the community could let it be known about issues affecting them," Hall said.

Out of the crowd, 30 people voiced their opinion either for or against the construction of the plant. Each member of the public was given three minutes to speak their mind.

Janet Spivey and Ellie Pinkham hold signs protesting the proposed asphalt plant during the Board of Commissioners meeting. The main lecture hall at the A-B Tech Madison campus was filled to capacity and others wishing to view the meeting were put in…

Janet Spivey and Ellie Pinkham hold signs protesting the proposed asphalt plant during the Board of Commissioners meeting. The main lecture hall at the A-B Tech Madison campus was filled to capacity and others wishing to view the meeting were put into an overflow room down the hall.

Air quality raised as a concern

Along with concerns about environmental pollution, opponents cited lowered property values and a risk to the tourism industry as their main qualms with the facility.

"I live half a mile from the proposed location," said Marshall resident Emily Sontag. "I spoke with people that live near a similar plant in Weaverville and from what I've heard, I'm worried about a plant like this being built so close to my home."

Sontag said she heard reports from Weaverville residents of year-round odors from the plant, fumes that would sting residents eyes and constant noise pollution from trucks and heavy machinery operating in the area.

Members of the public gather at the A-B Tech Madison campus Feb. 12 to attend the Madison County Board of Commissioners meeting. 30 people use the meeting's public comment section to discuss the effects of a propsed asphalt plant just outside of dow…

Members of the public gather at the A-B Tech Madison campus Feb. 12 to attend the Madison County Board of Commissioners meeting. 30 people use the meeting's public comment section to discuss the effects of a propsed asphalt plant just outside of downtown Marshall.

French Broad Paving invited Mona Brandon, a senior environmental scientist for TRC Environmental, to speak about the proposed plant and the predicted impacts it could have on the environment.

"The North Carolina legislature has set strict guidelines outlining the allowable amount of pollution that asphalt plants such as the one French Broad Paving is proposing should be allowed to produce at any given time," Brandon said. "The estimates that factor into the approval process for these types of facilities assume that the plant would be running 24/7. The estimated air quality of the emissions of this proposed plant fall well within those regulations."

A request for a moratorium

Ellen Holmes Pearson, a Marshall resident and member of Sustainable Madison, was one of the first of many opposing the plant. She presented the idea of a temporary moratorium on industrial zoning permits so the county's zoning board could take more time to examine factors surrounding safety and environmental impact of all industrial zoning permit requests before granting permits like the ones requested by French Broad Paving.

"We suggest that we create a Madison County Environmental Council to deal with these sorts of issues," Holmes Pearson said. "There are still yet too many unknowns to move forward with this process."

None of the members of the Board of Commissioners made any statements regarding the asphalt plant or any other issues spoken about during the public comment section of the meeting.

The application for the asphalt plant now must go through the zoning procedures and the Board of Adjustments before it is approved and building of the facility can commence.